Governor Sakaja Extends Scholarships To Needy Nairobi Teens

Local News


Nairobi City County Governor Johnson Sakaja will now see a number of bright needy teenagers through their secondary education through the executive scholarship programme.


Faith Mutheu scored 350 marks in KCPE but her dream of joining Karatina Girls, was quickly fading as her parents could not raise the school fees.


In need to reach as many well wishers as she could she worte her story on a manilla paper and went to the Nairobi City County CBD, held it up and asked for help.


“…my parents are unable to raise the school fees. Help me to realise my dreams of being a doctor,”

she wrote.


This reached Governor Sakaja who invited her into his office, offered her an executive scholarship. Over and above that she is one of 10 learners whose full first term shopping has been catered for by Sakaja Centre.


The shopoing includes school uniforms, books, sanitary, beddings among other essentials.

Other beneficiaries…

Other beneficiaries Davis Joseph Okwomi from Mukuru Kwa Reuben who had scored K.C.PE 373 marks and got admission to St. Mary’s Yala, and Lucy Wangare from Kariobangi North who scored K.C.PE 366 marks got admission to Ngara girls among many others.


The executive scholarship programme covers all four years of high school, Form 1 to Form 4.

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