Private Security Regulatory Authority Chief Executive Officer Fazul Mahamed. PHOTO/COURTESY

Security Firms Withdraw Petition Challenging PSRA Licences Withdrawal

Local News


Five private security firms have withdrawn a petition filed at the High Court Of Kenya Constitutional and Human Rights Division challenging the withdrawal of their operating licences by the sector regulator; Private Security Regulatory Authority (PSRA).


The petition had sought to reverse the cancellation of operating licences for Senaca East Africa Limited, Marco Security Limited, Hipora Security Solutions,  Victory consultants as well as Victory  protective Services Africa Limited.


“Despite numerous obstacles, the promised land for private security officers is within sight ! The five private security firms have withdrawn their case challenging cancellation of their licenses for non-compliance with Kshs. 30,000/= minimum wage for private security officers (security guards) amongst other violations of the law,”

noted PSRA CEO Fazul Mahamed in a statement.




Last month, the employment and Labour Relations Court had dismissed the cases filed by the companies that were DEREGISTERED by PSRA vide Legal Notice No. PSRA/001/2024.


The Court ruled that the cancellation of licenses, even on the grounds of non-compliance with minimum wage regulation is not a Labour issue but rather a legal and a regulatory discourse between security firms and the regulator.


“Just as a shepherd tirelessly tends to his flock, the Authority remains vigilantly committed to its legal duty to ensure that private security officers are treated professionally, with dignity, and are fairly remunerated,”

Concludes the PSRA CEO.

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